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& Testimonies

Wunder Festivals in 3 verschiedenen Städten

Revival Center Pakistan:

Toba Tek Singh
We had a powerful Sunday Service. Many people received their miracles and blessings. So many people were healed from different diseases. I was sharing about the woman in the New Testament whose daughter was possessed and Jesus healed her after seeing her worship Him. Suddenly, there was a Muslim woman whose daughter was possessed but due to gathering, she couldn't enter the church hall. But when I shared the Gospel she came inside and told about her testimony that Jesus healed her daughter. They accepted Jesus as the Lord of their lives. There was a family that stopped coming to church due to various temptations and promised that they will come regularly now. A boy was healed from a skin disease on his skull. 3 Women healed from thyroid. many people healed from chest infections. And many accepted Jesus as their Saviour and Redeemer. Hallelujah

We spent a very blessed evening in the city of Kamalia praising and worshiping God. When I shared the Word of God many sick and demon-possessed started to receive their miracles. Demon-possessed released, chest and cardiac pains healed, different types of joint and bone issues were totally healed, chest infections, kidney pain, stomach and headache issues gone. Hallelujah!
Many Muslims receive their blessings and miracles and some of them accepted Jesus as their Savior. 2 families had heavy demon possessions that were totally released. The people celebrated the Kingdom on Earth and received different gifts of the Holy Spirit.

We had a powerful meeting on the evening of Monday 27th September 2022 at Wahla. It was so powerful that many new believers accepted Jesus as their Lord. Many people recieved prophetic words, miracles and blessings. Some people were suffering from choronic diseases were totally healed by the Blood of Jesus. the message was very blessed and 3 drug addicted persons gave their lives to Jesus after listening to it. One woman had severe demonic possession, she was healed. One girl had thyroid problem, she was totally healed. A few people had hearing issues, they were also healed. Overall, we had 41 healings and 16 demon possessed were released by the Power of the Holy Spirit. Hallelujah
- Pastor Ivan B.