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& Testimonies

Mission Report from Pakistan

Praise God dear brother,
I'm so blessed and amazed to share the Acts of Holy Spirit during the month of April. In different meetings, we received many healings and miracles testimonies. 23 demon possessed were released by the Power of Holy Spirit. A possessed Muslim family heard about Revival Center and visited us from a village of Sargodha Division, were released from demonic forces. Their children couldn't go to school or concentrate on studies due to this demonic attack and the man couldn't get job. When we prayed over them, they actually felt
like they've been released. And now they've shared that not only the children can go to school but also their father got a job in a law firm.
Many people were healed including 1 lady that had a problem of thyroid, as her test results are normal. 2 Covid patients including 1 Pastor was healed. 2 women with backbone disorder were healed. 6 people with seasonal allergies and infections were healed. 3 women are pregnant and expecting now, Holy Spirit prophesied for them during February when Bro. Oliver was visiting here and we had a number of meetings. 5 children got good marks in their exams. 1 young girl was kidnapped by a powerful Muslim landlord, was recovered by the police and was returned back to her parents. 1 Evangelist had a polio disease since childhood and couldn't use both of his legs evenly, was totally healed.
People are giving their names for baptisms and majority of them are requesting that they want to get baptism by the hand of Pastor Philipp.
We have planted 2 new churches during April among the brick kiln worker families, 1 in Faisalabad and other 1 near Sheikhupura.
I praise God for everything and more blessings to come. I want to thank God for the powerful works God has chosen us for and especially for the platform of Revival Center and the leadership of Pastor Philipp with whose endless prayers and efforts, we are able to reach the unreached and save the lost souls. In Jesus name, Amen.
- Pastor I.