Mission Report from Munich
Full house in Munich yesterday - to Jesus Christ alone be the glory, He did again what only He can do - yesterday dozens were healed and set free, and around 20 saved
Those are just a few of the amazing things God did yesterday
* A man had numb toes, and no feeling in them whatsoever, after God healed him, the feeling returned
* A woman was healed of all arthrosis symptoms after a demon left her body
* A woman had an accident many years ago which caused a lot of pain and issues to a point where she didn’t want to live any longer, she woke up this morning completely healed
* A woman came with crutches after a surgery. After God touched her, she was able to walk freely without crutches for the first time, even walked down the stairs without crutches after the event, to the surprise of some
* Tinnitus healed, long-lasting back problems healed
* Many emotional healings and deep workings of the Holy Spirit in peoples hearts
* People fully surrendering to the Lordship of Jesus, as God became very real to them
Thank you International Association of Healing Ministries for having us, and thanks to Evangeliumszentrum for opening the doors of your church!
God used everyone of the RC Team in amazing ways, we have revival we love you Jesus 

Today at 7pm we have a livestream with Bill Wiese, who spent 23 minutes in hell!! You can follow our livestream or watch the recording later, please pass it on to your unsaved friends or to your friends who dont believe in HELL.. everyone who has not received Jesus as Lord and Savior will go there - and it breaks my heart!!