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Healing testimonies from Pakistan

I recieved a call from one of out Pastors yesterday. His daughter had a congenital hand deformity by brith. She couldn't get healed until Pastor Philipp prayed over her during Revival Festival Samundari in November. They're are so happy to testify that her hand is totally healed and her mother told me whenever I look at her hand I remember Pastor Ivan and his leader that they prayed over her and she got healed. The hand is perfectly fine now and working normally. Praise God.
An old women had a heart problem from a long time. I prayed for her a few weeks back and she is totally healed by the Power of Holy Spirit. Even she is not taking any kind of medicines that she was taking for a long time. Hallelujah
Jesus Christ is able to do miracles and things that eyes haven't seen and ears haven't heard of. Glory to the Lord. So honored to serve my King.
Another Pastor, (my seminary teacher in B.Th) asked us for prayers to build his house. He wasn't able to do so due to lack of resources. I told him that nothing is impossible with God. Jehovah Jireh is the Lord we serve. He is the best Provider. He called me yesterday and told me that his house was started constructing in a miraculous way and God provided everything after you prayed. Now it is at 90 percent stage of completion. Hallelujah
- Pastor I.